Lido Staking | Liquid Staking for Digital Tokens - Lido

Launched to address the illiquidity of staked assets, Lido enables users to stake their Ethereum (ETH) holdings and receive a liquid representation called stETH in return.

Lido Finance, launched in 2020, introduced a groundbreaking solution to address one of the challenges associated with staking in blockchain networks. Specifically focusing on Ethereum 2.0, Lido Staking offers users the opportunity to participate in staking, earn rewards, and simultaneously maintain liquidity for their staked assets. In this exploration, we will delve into the mechanics, features, and significance of Lido Staking in the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape.

Key Components of Lido Staking:

  1. Liquid Staking: Lido Staking pioneers the concept of liquid staking, allowing users to stake their Ethereum (ETH) in Ethereum 2.0 and receive a liquid representation of their staked assets called stETH (Staked Ether). This introduces a level of liquidity to staked assets, enabling users to trade or use them in various DeFi applications while earning staking rewards.

  2. Participation in Ethereum 2.0: Ethereum 2.0 is a major upgrade to the Ethereum network, transitioning from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Staking in Ethereum 2.0 involves locking up ETH to support network security and earn staking rewards. Lido Staking allows users to participate in Ethereum 2.0 staking without the need to run their own validator nodes.

  3. StETH Token: When users stake their ETH through Lido, they receive stETH tokens in return. Each stETH token represents a share of the total staked ETH and is pegged 1:1 to the underlying staked assets. Users can freely trade stETH on decentralized exchanges or use it within the DeFi ecosystem.

  4. Node Operators: Lido Staking relies on a network of node operators who run validator nodes on the Ethereum 2.0 network. These operators are responsible for validating transactions, securing the network, and earning staking rewards on behalf of users who participate in Lido.

How Lido Staking Works:

  1. Staking Process: Users initiate the staking process by depositing their ETH into the Lido Staking smart contract. In return, they receive stETH tokens, representing their staked ETH. The stETH tokens are liquid and can be freely traded or utilized in other DeFi applications.

  2. Node Operators and Staking Rewards: Lido's node operators run validator nodes on the Ethereum 2.0 network, participating in the staking process on behalf of users. Staking rewards, generated through the validation of transactions and securing the network, are distributed to users in the form of additional stETH.

  3. Decentralized Governance: Lido Staking incorporates a decentralized governance model, allowing participants to have a say in the decision-making process. The governance token, CRV (Curve DAO Token), gives holders the ability to vote on proposals related to the protocol's parameters, upgrades, and fee structures.

  4. Redemption and Exit: When users decide to exit the staking pool, they can redeem their stETH for the underlying ETH. The redemption process involves burning the stETH tokens, and users receive their original staked assets along with any accrued staking rewards.

Significance of Lido Staking:

  1. Enhanced Liquidity: Lido Staking addresses a critical issue in traditional staking – the lack of liquidity for staked assets. By providing a liquid representation of staked assets in the form of stETH, users can participate in staking while maintaining the flexibility to trade or utilize their assets in the broader DeFi ecosystem.

  2. Lower Entry Barriers: Lido Staking lowers the entry barriers for users looking to participate in Ethereum 2.0 staking. Users can stake any amount of ETH, and the liquid staking solution eliminates the need for them to run their own validator nodes, making staking more accessible.

  3. Participation in DeFi Ecosystem: The liquid nature of stETH enhances its usability within the DeFi ecosystem. Users can freely trade stETH on decentralized exchanges or leverage it in lending, borrowing, and other DeFi applications, contributing to the growth of decentralized finance.

Risks and Considerations:

While Lido Staking introduces innovative solutions, users should be aware of potential risks, including smart contract vulnerabilities, market risks, and the need to stay informed about the evolving landscape of Ethereum 2.0.


Lido Staking plays a pivotal role in the evolution of decentralized finance by combining the benefits of staking with enhanced liquidity. By introducing liquid staking and issuing stETH tokens, Lido enables users to earn staking rewards while actively participating in the broader DeFi ecosystem. As blockchain technology continues to advance, solutions like Lido Staking contribute to the accessibility and flexibility of decentralized financial services.

Last updated